UBS ecosystem enables partners to leverage UBS data to offer new, innovative solutions in their application. Each API product in the UBS ecosystem serves a specific client need related to finance and banking.

How does UBS ecosystem work for partners?
Partners typically provide an innovative solution in their own application which can be enriched with UBS data. By integrating UBS data into their environment, our partners can provide a more seamless, convenient and individualized experience to their clients.
We aim to make API integration as simple as possible. The integration may vary based on the API corresponding use case. More information can be found here.
How does UBS ecosystem benefit to end-clients?
With UBS ecosystem, end-clients can obtain individualized products which increase efficiency and / or convenience while keeping their data ownership at all time.

How can I become a partner of UBS to use APIs?
Let us evaluate a partnership with you. Please contact us via the support page.
Which APIs are available in the UBS ecosystem?
Our partners can use APIs around diverse services related to banking. Please see list of UBS APIs here.